Time for Change
The Biggest Loser, Inc.
All school supplied foods has to be vegetarian and trans-fat to help suggest healthy habits. This doesn't restrict students from bringing any type of meals.
Arming Teachers
Public school teachers will receive a concealed carry license to protect students. Any teacher that abuses their rights will be removed from the public school and will not be able to teach at another public school again. Students safety is a top priority.
Standardized Testing
Standardized testing should be decreased. This bill is necessary because schools and districts lose school time and money while testing. Students and teachers all get stressed in preparation of these tests. Students get less time to study for their in-school tests that affect their final grades, and teachers cram to get all the content in. This gives students less of a chance of getting all their work done with quality. Standardized testing can become a waste of time if overused.
School Funding
Regarding school choice, there are many reasons for and against all types of school.  but the guardians’ choice ultimately comes down to which is the best fit for their child.  This bill allows guardians’ to have a larger choice for free-tuition based schools by having their taxes fund their choice.